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Membership of Musica Kremsmünster

You are cordially invited to become a member of the association Pro Musica Kremsmünster and thus to support our Museum of Musical Instruments at Kremsegg Castle. The association assists the organisation financially - and also with ideas and moral support - in the administration of the whole castle estate and day-to-day operation.

With your help this unique and comprehensive collection of historical musical instruments can be preserved and extended. As a member of Pro Musica Kremsmünster you help to make it possible to buy and restore old instruments and to maintain the rooms and buildings of Kremsegg Castle. Your membership also guarantees the continuation of important academic work and research, as well as the financing of a variety of projects and publications.


Is one exhibit a particular favourite of yours? You have the opportunity to take over the sponsorship of an instrument of your choice. Your contribution could guarantee, for example, the  regular tuning of keyboard instruments, so that they are always ready to play.
Your financial support makes a significant contribution to the preservation of these valuable and historic masterpieces.


As a thank you for their yearly member's fee sponsors receive:

•               free admisssion to the Museum of Musical Instruments at Kremsegg Castle

•               information and invitations to our activities

•               reductions on ticket prices for the events of  Musica Kremsmünster

•               admission to the archives and free use of the reference library


Additional benefits for sponsors:

•               a private guided tour of the museum

•               your name written by the side of a sponsored exhibit


Financial donations to the Museum of Musical Instruments at Kremsegg Castle have been tax-deductable since 2010!

In 2005 the Museum of Musical Instruments at Kremsegg Castle was awarded the Austrian Museum Seal of Approval. After the normal five-year term this certificate, defined according to international standards, was renewed by ICOM Austria in 2010, and again in 2015. This is one of the reasons why financial donations to the Museum of Musical Instruments at Kremsegg Castle are tax-deductable.


„The Federal Ministry of Education, Culture and the Arts certifies in accordance with § 4a Zi 2b EStG 1988 that the Museum of Musical Instruments at Schloss Kremsegg in Kremsmünster has public access comparable to a statutory body under public law and displays a collection of exhibits which historically, artistically and culturally are of national significance to Austria.“


Please address all enquiries to Margit Huemer
Tel. +43 7583 5247 0

Bank details:

Musica Kremsmünster
IBAN AT27 3423 3000 0003 1500